Using Texting to Close More Business: The Ultimate Guide

Grace Moulton
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I. Introduction

A texting revolution for business

Let's face it: We're all glued to our phones these days.

 And while some may see this as the downfall of society, businesses can actually use it to their advantage. So, why not ride the wave of technology and embrace the power of texting? 

This little game changer is transforming how we communicate with clients, making it faster, more convenient, and even a tad more fun.

What makes texting such a speedy option

These three stats should catch your attention:

  • Stat 1- Read Immediately: It's mind-blowing that a whopping 90% of texts are read within the first 3 minutes of delivery.1 Talk about fast!
  • Stat 2- Immediate Responses: People take a mere 90 seconds to respond to a text message, while it takes them an average of 90 minutes for an email.2 Time is money, folks!
  • Stat 3- High Response Rates: With a 45% response rate, texting leaves emails in the dust (emails only have a 6% response rate).3

Clients prefer it

Here’s what your soon-to-be clients are saying:

  • Stat 1 - Consumers prefer it: Turns out, 89% of consumers would rather text businesses than chat on the phone.4 Who knew?
  • Stat 2 - Increase accessibility: Good news! 64% of consumers think businesses that text are more accessible and responsive.5
  • Stat 3 - Cater to Millenials and Gen Z:  Younger generations are especially keen on texting, with 77% of people aged 18-34 giving it the thumbs up for business communication.6

The proof is in the pudding: text open-rate stats

Texting is the future and emails are a thing of the past:

  • Most recent statistic: Hold onto your hats—text messages have a jaw-dropping open rate of 98%, leaving emails in the dust at just 20%.7
  • Over time: In the last decade, text message open rates have consistently outperformed email open rates, and this gap is only getting wider as texting becomes more popular.

II. Best Practices for Using Texting to Close More Business

It's all in the timing and frequency

When it comes to texting, timing can make or break your business. Here are some tips to keep in mind when reaching out:

  1. Timing is everything: Respect your customers' personal time—don't send texts too early or too late.
  2. Quick on the draw: Aim to reply to texts within 5 minutes; faster response times are key to higher conversion rates.
  3. Don't be a text pest: Limit your communication to a few texts per day or week, depending on your relationship with the client.
  4. The art of the follow-up: Strategically implement follow-up texts after phone calls, meetings, or after a set period of no contact.
  5. Time to test: Experiment with different send times to find the sweet spot for your target audience.

Add a personal touch

When using texting as a business-closing strategy, it’s important to build rapport with your customers. Here are five tips to do just that!

  1. First-name basis: Address your customers by their name to create a sense of familiarity and warmth.
  2. Make it personal: Customize your messages to cater to your clients' unique interests or pain points.
  3. Know your history: Use past interactions and transaction history to make personalized recommendations.
  4. Celebrate good times: Send customized texts on birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays to let your customers know you're thinking of them.
  5. Loyalty pays: Reward loyal customers with tailored promotions and discounts.

The lowdown on effective SMS templates for sales

Not sure where to start? We’ve included some examples just for you below:

  1. Appointment reminder: "Hey [Name], quick heads up: your appointment with [Company] is scheduled for [Date] at [Time]. Can't wait to see you!"
  2. Promotion: "Psst, [Name]! Our annual sale is happening now! Save up to 50% on select items. Use code TEXT50 at checkout. Happy shopping: [URL]!"
  3. Abandoned cart: "Oops, [Name]! Looks like you left something in your cart. Here's a 10% off coupon to sweeten the deal: CART10. Claim it here: [URL]"
  1. Re-engagement: "Long time no see, [Name]! We've missed you! Here's a special 15% off coupon just for you: WELCOME15. Start shopping now: [URL]"
  2. Webinar invitation: "Hey [Name], we're hosting a fantastic webinar on [Topic]! Grab your seat now and learn from the pros: [URL]"

III. Building a Successful Texting Strategy

The building blocks of success: goals and tracking


We’ve listed some important terms to keep in mind when using texting to close more business:

  1. Lead generation: Set your sights on how many new leads you'll get through texting.
  2. Conversion rate: Keep an eye on the percentage of text recipients who take the plunge and become paying customers.
  3. Customer retention: Monitor how your texting mojo helps maintain long-lasting customer relationships.
  4. Upselling and cross-selling: Measure how texting boosts the average cash spent per customer through additional sales.
  5. Customer satisfaction: Gauge the impact your texting strategy has on overall happiness and brand love.

A match made in marketing heaven: integrating texting

Texting is like the cherry on top of your marketing sundae, and it can be easily integrated into various aspects of a business's marketing strategy. Think advertising, email marketing, website marketing, promotional marketing, outbound calling, and customer relationship management. Make sure you have a cohesive, multi-channel approach to reach customers at every turn.

The legal side of things: compliance and texting

When it comes to text messaging, different countries have their own rules and regulations, like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the U.S., Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe. Stay in the know and play by the rules to avoid any legal hiccups.

IV. Responding to Texting

Sorting through the chaos: organizing inbound texts

Categorize inbound texts into neat little groups like inbound ad leads, website visitors, warm prospects, and scheduled service deliveries. This will help you prioritize your responses and keep your communication pipeline flowing smoothly.

Your secret weapon: tools for organizing inbound texts

There are some nifty platforms available to help businesses manage and organize inbound text messages, like Zendesk, Textline, and Front. These tools can streamline your communication process with automated responses, conversation assignments, and tracking overall performance.

Three popular text communication platforms worth checking out

We’ve listed a few platforms that will aid you in using texting to close more business:

  1. Twilio: This versatile platform offers API-driven messaging services, making it a cinch to integrate SMS functionality into your existing systems.
  2. SimpleTexting: A user-friendly service focused on mass texting that comes with a boatload of features like autoresponders, scheduled messages, and analytics.
  3. TextMagic: A comprehensive texting solution that provides both one-way and two-way messaging, alongside tools for contact management, automation, and reporting.

V. Measuring the Impact of Texting on Sales

The fabulous eight: key metrics to track

  1. Total messages sent
  2. Open rate
  3. Click-through rate
  4. Conversion rate
  5. Response rate
  6. Time to response
  7. Customer satisfaction score
  8. Cha-ching: revenue generated per text message

A measuring stick for success: tools

To keep tabs on your texting campaigns, tap into analytics platforms like Twilio, SimpleTexting, and TextMagic, which offer built-in reporting and analytics tools. You can also use third-party analytics software like Google Analytics to keep an even closer eye on your texting performance and dig into those juicy metrics.

Texting tales: three success stories

We’ve compiled a list of business across multiple sectors that are using texting to close more business:

  1. Retail Business: A small boutique saw a 15% increase in foot traffic by offering exclusive discounts via text messages to subscribers. In addition, their online sales skyrocketed by 25%, all thanks to their tailored and targeted SMS promotions.
  2. Dental Practice: By implementing a text-based appointment reminder system, a dental clinic reduced no-shows by an astounding 60%. Patients appreciated the convenience, and the clinic saved time and money by filling canceled appointments more efficiently.
  3. Tech Company: A software firm boosted its customer satisfaction scores by 20% after introducing a texting-based support channel. The company found that they could resolve customer issues more quickly, leading to happier clients and a stronger brand reputation.

VI. Conclusion

The final word on texting for sales

Texting is more than just a way to chat with friends—it's a powerhouse tool for businesses to connect with customers, drive sales, and foster meaningful relationships. By mastering the art of texting and using the right communication platform, you'll be well on your way to closing more business and delighting your customers.

Take the plunge:

Ready to give your texting strategy a turbo boost? Check out, a cutting-edge communication platform tailored to small businesses. With a user-friendly interface, powerful features, and in-depth analytics, will help you harness the power of texting and propel your business to new heights. So, what are you waiting for? Try today and experience the difference!


Staff, VB. “Why Businesses Can't Ignore SMS (HINT: 90% of People Read a Text Message within the First 3 Minutes).” VentureBeat. VentureBeat, March 27, 2015

Weiss, Steve. “Council Post: Why SMS Is the Marketing Tool of the Future.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, November 9, 2022.

“The Future of Sales Follow-Ups: Text Messages.” Gartner. Accessed April 19, 2023.

Kern, Tyler. “Graham Anderson of Kenect : 89 Percent of Consumers Prefer Text to Phone Call.” MarketScale, December 28, 2020.

“UnitedCloud: Why You Should Use SMS Messaging to Grow Your Business in 2020.” Image. Accessed April 19, 2023.

Garfinkel, Angela. “18 Stats That Show Why Businesses Need to Text.” TextBetter, September 4, 2020.

Wozniak, Tom. “Council Post: What's Old Is New Again: SMS Marketing.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, September 13, 2019.

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Grace Moulton

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